NAT Assignments

NAT Assignments

The NAT Assignments table lists the NAT IP address assiged to each device. Assigned is when the NAT assignment was created. IP is the LAN address of the device. NAT IP is the public NAT IP address. MAC is the MAC address of the device. Hostname is the hostname of the device if available. Session is the login session of the device. Account is the account the device belongs to. Network is the LAN network the device is on. Route will list any routes assigned to the device if applicable. Uplink lists the uplink the NAT IP belongs to. If the BiNAT box is checked a BiNAT IP address has been assinged specifically to the device. Pool will list which BiNAT pool the NAT IP belongs to if applicable. Static lists if the device has been assiged a specific NAT IP address. Seen lists the last time the device was seen on the network. Expires is the time the NAT assignment will expire if applicable.

The NAT Pool Stats table lists the current state of the configured NAT Pools. Uplink displays the name of the uplink the pool belongs to. Usable shows the number of IP addresses available for CGNAT. Assigned lists the number of devices assigned to the pool

The BiNAT Pool Stats table lists the current state of any configured BiNAT pools. Uplink lists the uplink the IP addresses of the BiNAT pool belong to. Pool displays the name of the BiNAT pool. Usable lists the number of usable IP addresses in the pool. Assigned displays the number of addresses that have been assigned in the pool. Available displays the remaining number of IP's that are available to be assigned for BiNAT.

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